Food routines (obsessions)
I tend to be a creature of habit when it comes to food. Tom can attest that when I find something I like, I go way overboard. And I don't just mean, I have it once a week, or even once a day. I literally eat it for breakfast, lunch, and if I can get away with it, for dinner too. This can go on for months. And I really don't tire out on it.
I haven't always been like this. I would say within the last 5 years, right around the time I realized if I didn't eat pasta, donuts, pizza, etc, I might be able to slim down a bit, I started adopting these strange obsessions. The thing is, I have tricked my mind into thinking that these semi "healthier" foods I get into, will actually be the answer to my body issues. I don't think I really love these foods, I just tell myself I do. And somehow it works.
For the last 3-4 months, I almost eat these foods at least once or twice a day.
Rice crackers and hummos. And I will ONLY eat these brands. I go through a pack of these crackers umm....I hate to admit it but one every 2 days. And this hummos is the best. I need a Utah substitute.
Veggie Burgers. Again, I will only eat these. I usually put one in the toaster, and then of course, spread hummos on top. And sometimes I even make little veggie burger hors devours. Tasty!
And of course, without fail, at least 2 of these a day. If I can make an excuse to drive my car, I usually pull up to McDonald's, the only place in Brooklyn (within a reasonable driving distance) that I can buy a way overpriced fountain DC. And when Tom isn't with me, I ask them to put a lime in it, he gets embarrassed by my outlandish requests, but usually I just run down stairs to the deli and grab a bottle. And, no, I'm not addicted, I just love the taste.
I also lately (as in the last year) love corn on the cob, almonds & almond butter, vanilla pudding snack packs, oatmeal, & egg white veggie omelets. These all go on rotations depending on my moods.