
Food routines (obsessions)

I tend to be a creature of habit when it comes to food. Tom can attest that when I find something I like, I go way overboard. And I don't just mean, I have it once a week, or even once a day. I literally eat it for breakfast, lunch, and if I can get away with it, for dinner too. This can go on for months. And I really don't tire out on it.

I haven't always been like this. I would say within the last 5 years, right around the time I realized if I didn't eat pasta, donuts, pizza, etc, I might be able to slim down a bit, I started adopting these strange obsessions. The thing is, I have tricked my mind into thinking that these semi "healthier" foods I get into, will actually be the answer to my body issues. I  don't think I really love these foods, I just tell myself I do. And somehow it works.

For the last 3-4 months, I almost eat these foods at least once or twice a day.

Rice crackers and hummos. And I will ONLY eat these brands. I go through a pack of these crackers umm....I hate to admit it but one every 2 days. And this hummos is the best. I need a Utah substitute.


Veggie Burgers. Again, I will only eat these. I usually put one in the toaster, and then of course, spread hummos on top. And sometimes I even make little veggie burger hors devours. Tasty!


And of course, without fail, at least 2 of these a day. If I can make an excuse to drive my car, I usually pull up to McDonald's, the only place in Brooklyn (within a reasonable driving distance) that I can buy a way overpriced fountain DC. And when Tom isn't with me, I ask them to put a lime in it, he gets embarrassed by my outlandish requests, but usually I just run down stairs to the deli and grab a bottle. And, no, I'm not addicted, I just love the taste.



I also lately (as in the last year) love corn on the cob, almonds & almond butter, vanilla pudding snack packs, oatmeal, & egg white veggie omelets.  These all go on rotations depending on my moods.


My feet are so happy

when I trade in my old running shoes for a new pair.
If you can't find me for the next few weeks, look up, I'll be running on the clouds!



Did I mention?

That I have some of the most creative and talented friends ever? No really I do. Brooke (designer), Abby (designer), Katie (seamstress), to name a few.

And Amy is no exception. She makes beautiful jewelry. She has great taste (I usually want what she has), and translates it to simple yet beautiful earrings. Lucky for me, she shared her wisdom with me and taught me how to make my own. The earrings are her designs, but made by (mostly), me.


And this necklace. Not what I was initially looking for, but I love it!


We started our endeavor last week by going into the bead/jewelry district in the city. The selections are almost overwhelming. But I found almost everything I was looking for, minus a pendant for a long necklace I want to make. When I take advantage of everything that is at my disposal, I really love NY!



On a similar note

Note to self: Don't turn your back to your son while he is eating his favorite snack of hummus and crackers.




Luke is 19


He actually turned 19 months last week, September 11th to be exact. I am behind on many things in my life so this post should come as no surprise, a week late.

Really, it is an excuse to blog about Luke, what he has been up to, and post some pictures that haven't made it into any of my previous posts, and obviously not because they aren't cute!


-He loves water. He climbs onto the toilet and plays in the sink until we pull him off. Mainly he likes to dip his binky under the running water, suck it off, and then do it again. He can also kick and blow bubbles in the tub. Tom has been working hard on that one.

-He pulls out everything from the fridge. Anything he can carry, from a big gallon of milk to an open container of yogurt. He also sometimes brings me his cup along with the drink, both of which he can barely hold.

-He stands below his cabinet that holds all of his clothes and yells "suse, suse". I am pretty sure that translates to shoes. And of course he only wants to wear his orange crocs and the second they are on his feet he runs to the door and pounds on it. I really hope we aren't still here in the winter. He will be very disappointed.

-He can sign 10 words and speak 3 words. I have a video clip but I am having a rough time posting it. I will soon though. It is really cute.

-He still has the cutest smile around. He now gives "bones" and "high fives" to anyone willing.

-He is obsessed with cars and dogs.






