Luke is 19
He actually turned 19 months last week, September 11th to be exact. I am behind on many things in my life so this post should come as no surprise, a week late.
Really, it is an excuse to blog about Luke, what he has been up to, and post some pictures that haven't made it into any of my previous posts, and obviously not because they aren't cute!
-He loves water. He climbs onto the toilet and plays in the sink until we pull him off. Mainly he likes to dip his binky under the running water, suck it off, and then do it again. He can also kick and blow bubbles in the tub. Tom has been working hard on that one.
-He pulls out everything from the fridge. Anything he can carry, from a big gallon of milk to an open container of yogurt. He also sometimes brings me his cup along with the drink, both of which he can barely hold.
-He stands below his cabinet that holds all of his clothes and yells "suse, suse". I am pretty sure that translates to shoes. And of course he only wants to wear his orange crocs and the second they are on his feet he runs to the door and pounds on it. I really hope we aren't still here in the winter. He will be very disappointed.
-He can sign 10 words and speak 3 words. I have a video clip but I am having a rough time posting it. I will soon though. It is really cute.
-He still has the cutest smile around. He now gives "bones" and "high fives" to anyone willing.
-He is obsessed with cars and dogs.
Reader Comments (7)
He always has the best shoes! So cute.
So fun to see all the pictures of Luke. He is looking more like a little boy now. So sad when they grow out of the baby look. He is so cute! Sounds like a busy man. What a cutie!
My heart. There it lies. He is truly the cutest thing alive. I love that he gave the phone, or rather me, "bones" yesterday. Our phone conversation was one of our best yet. He sounded so engaged. "Oh" and paused as if he was really interested in what I had to say. Being on the road was so fun with him and while there were times when "lookatthelights" grew a teensy bit tiresome, it never really did. It always made me smile. He always makes me smile because his smile is so infectious. Those times when he would grab my hand and cuddle with it, even if only for a mere second before he shoved it away, that second was like the best second and most treasured second of my life. I love how he finds pure pure joy in washing his hands and could wash his hands all day if you'd let him (and I love that he instinctively also goes to wash his hair and tummy, even while fully clothed). I love watching him munch on his mommy's tooth brush as if it's the greatest thing to put in your mouth EVER! And maybe it is, I'll never know because as much as I love you Lysh, I'm just never going to put your toothbrush in my mouth and sit and munch on it. But he loves it. He's getting so big. And I love it and I hate it at the same time. It's like I want two of him. One to stay a baby, an innocent, ready to discover the world toddler, still just learning a few words and absolutely gigglingly uncontrollably with 'lights on and then lights off', and then another one who grows older and becomes a big boy (and a big brother) and then whatever comes after that. Sadly I can't have two of him. But boy do I love that kid. He is a constant reminder that life isn't always dark. That there's something, even small, to smile about. So congrats Lukey on turning 19. Now stay there.
P.S. He looks so much like his mommy in that first picture. *le sigh* I heart you both. And I heart his daddy too. Cause together you made the cutest kid.
Okay, I know, another one, again, but I actually looked at all the pictures this time and I love the one where he looks like he is playing quarterback (even though I hate football, though I love "Friday Night Lights"), and oh my heart breaks with the one where he is crying (but boy does he look stylish). And how cute is the one where he is eating what looks like a whole tub of sour cream but what I'm sure is more likely yogurt as that is much more tasty. And he is so giggly & cute with his gigantic cup of diet coke. And I love him in his little tank top, with his converse, riding and hugging the otter/sea lion thing. Sorry but I just have lots to say in posts dedicated to my most favorite little boy. I promise I'm done. At least I think I'm done. I could come back later but for now, I'm done.
Tara you are so cute, I miss you!
He's darling.