well color me HAPPY!
As some of you know, I lost my precious hello kitty watch last summer, and I have been quite "unhappy" about it since. The thing about this watch is, it's not just any watch, it is a reproduction of the 80's watch that many of my friends had but I didn't. I really wanted it though, and I never stopped wanting it. I searched and searched for it, going in and out of every Sanrio store I saw, browsed Ebay weekly, and finally finally found one on Sanrio.com. Finding it really made me happy, I even considered buying two, I am still regretting not doing it.
I wore it proudly for almost two years. I was truly the envy of every girl between the ages of 4-10. But one day it was gone. I tore everything apart I owned, combed the apartment and even began searching ebay again. But no luck. I even thought that it would turn up as we packed up the place, but as the last box was taped, it hit me, it was really gone.
This morning for the first time since I have moved back here I decided to check ebay once again. (There is something about living here that has made me forget about shopping, which really, is a good thing). I typed in my usual searches: "Hello Kitty Vintage Watch", "Hello Kitty Flip Watch", and then on my last shot "Hello Kitty Retro Watch", it came up. HOORAY! And for only twenty dollars. I must also note that this was a great deal. I actually found one over a month ago, on ebay, went to my sometimes trusty auction sniper, and put in my bid at $26. For sure it would never go that high, I was the only one bidding on it. Well, I put too much trust in the sniper and lost, by twenty five dollars. Yep, the watch sold for fifty. So you can see how I thought twenty sounded great at a buy it now price, not to mention it comes with a calculator.
And this time, I bought two of them!
* Sorry about the photo quality of these, I couldn't wait until I got them in the mail to do a post, I am just way too excited!!