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Yes folks, he's two!


This little guy is no longer a baby. But I can't help but want to hold on.

Should I...

Take away his binky, his silky, or both?

Be concerned he only has a vocabulary of 12 words but knows over 20 signs?

Continue using months to describe his age?

Worry that he seems to prefer dog food to sugar cookies? 

Stop thinking it's cute when he climbs out of his crib 5x's a night?

Find another favorite activity besides playing in the sink for hours?

Not secretly love that he hates being apart from me, even in our house?

Worry that the next child is going to be at least almost 3 years younger than him?

Stop asking him to show off his dance moves? He does a great funky chicken.

Not want to protect him from everyone and everything?

Just let go, and let him experience all the world has to offer?

Reader Comments (9)

Happy Birthday Luke! Dog food probably has lots more protein, so don't worry about that. Oh and encourage those dance moves, someday he can be the next winner of "So you think you can dance!"

February 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCarrie

Happy Birthday cute Luke. I am excited for all the fun play dates with your new friend Chloe. Isn't it sad how fast they grow. I still give Chloe a bottle and I know I shouldn't but it's the only time she will sit still and let me hold her.

February 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterStaci

He is such a cute little guy! And looks so much like Tom! Happy 2nd Birthday Lukey!! (Can I call him that even though we don't know eachother that well?) You can think about taking away the binky but never take away the silky/blankie! I still like to cuddle with things that resemble what I had when I was little!
Hope everything is going good out west!!

February 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHillary

I found your blog through Wiksten-Made.
Happy birthday Luke!I say let him stay a baby as long as possible. This past weekend my 30 month old was done with diapers, sleeps in big bed, does all big boy things and I miss my baby. Enjoy the "babiness" as long as possible.

February 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterUrsa

YEA LUKE!! I love the way he acutally smiles when you tell him to for a picture. how awesome.

February 12, 2008 | Unregistered Commentereddie

Happy Birthday Luke, you adorable little thing!

Don't stress about any of it, he is a happy and healthy boy. Just enjoy the ride (I should take my own advice!).

And btw, Liam and Sutton are exactly 3 years and 1 month apart and it has been perfect. Liam was old enough to understand that a new baby was coming to our family and he has been such a big helper.

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterErin

Happy happy Birthday Lukey. May you stay two forever.

Although I also will never understand how the no longer 'baby', now a 'kid' can pass up a deliciously frosted sugar cookie, yet sneak bites out of the dogs bowl of 'lamb and rice' and not want to spit it out but actually enjoy it.

Ha! I knew you secretly or now, not so secretly loved that he calls out for 'mommywhereareyou' as soon as you go down stairs.

Ahh Lukey I heart you. And I heart how you know you are now two but you can only hold up one finger to show it.

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered Commentertara

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUKE!! we miss you over here!

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkatie

Happy Birthday to a very cute boy! I'm sure whatever you do will be fine. Just fine.

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEllen

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