Come Shop!
I'm having a summer sale over at my Brooklyn Bean Etsy Shop. All ties and smocked dresses are on sale 25% off, including custom dresses! Hurry over and grab something before the summer's over!
I'm having a summer sale over at my Brooklyn Bean Etsy Shop. All ties and smocked dresses are on sale 25% off, including custom dresses! Hurry over and grab something before the summer's over!
This Monday Today, Built by Wendy, one of my most favorite brands, is having a 50% off summer sale. I post about this only because I always always seem to miss the sales. By the time I get to a site, everything is usually gone, so I thought I would let those who maybe interested know. I mainly browse for inspiration, but sometimes her sales are really awesome. I mean 50% off? you would only need to spend around $150 for something really great and unique. Bargain eh?
These are some of my favs. I especially love the denim bag and all the high waisted stuff!
but I love my hippie sandals.
I debated on getting these, for several months. For one, I have plenty of sandals, and two, I just wasn't sure I could pull them off the way I imagined in my head. While I was in Vegas a few weeks ago looking for running shoes, I stumbled on these. I put them on my feet and the comfort was so tantalizing, I thought hell, I'll make them work.
And these gladiators. I saved up forever for them, just kidding I used some of the money from the equity of our the sale of our house. Tom got a bike, I got these. You probably think I'm crazy, and I am, but I have been wanting them for three years now and I knew I would never ever be able to have them unless I did what I did. And I wear them almost every day. An investment for an investment.
And if you happen to like my skirt, check back next week. I'm going to put one or two in the shop. I'm just looking for the perfect fabric.
ok men, old men.
*notice the old lady in the front row, she's our biggest fan!
My dad has been playing in a bluegrass band since he was well, my age. I have fond memories of those old bluegrass songs, mainly from going on tour with him to all of those Utah hot spots. Both he and I dreamed of the day I would be up on stage fiddling along, this is the main reason I was put on the violin, and Suzuki specifically since ear training is the method of learning the instrument. And I did. I didn't really learn the art of playing anything other than classical until college, nor did I gain a love for the instrument until I realized it could do and be something other than another violin in a symphony. But since, I crave writing my own parts to songs, and look for all opportunities to play even if they are with my dad and his "old" buddies.
Every Monday night, The Smith Brothers Dirt Band, and me, being the only female, and the only one under 60, get together and "jam". Bluegrass isn't my first choice of music to play, or even my second, but the group is really so good, and since I've listened to all of it since I was a wee one, I have really grown to love the sound and style of the music. We've had a few concerts since I have been back, one at a pretty big venue in Ogden, but mainly (for practice) at Alzheimer's homes, they get a big kick out of us!
My dad is the most passionate about his band, he is the founding member and originator. For the past two weeks he has been editing, splicing together this video of our practice before our last big concert. I'm not wearing makeup, and had I known it was going on YouTube I would have. Anyway, we are also putting on another "big" show this July 19th at Westminster College, if you so care to get your Blue Grass on.
I really feel like I have been waiting forever for it too. School finally ended on Saturday, it was long, and hard for me to get back to a regular schedule of 8-5, but I really enjoyed every minute of it. I love being reminded of when I was so young, just learning how to play on my tiny violin, watching the older kids and imagining that someday I might be as good as them. Or walking through the halls listening to the echos of the violin's playing in unison and being reminded that they are probably no older than 10. But I'm also happy to be finished, at least until next year when I hopefully can go and hear some of my own students play for teachers from all over the nation and have them be inspired by the talent and beauty of the music and the musicians.
The weather has also finally turned warm, well hot. We were able to sneak a pool trip in last Friday evening. Luke was very brave and went down the slide at least 15 times then persisted in jumping off the side of the pool whether I was ready or not. Much like NY, I think we will be spending a lot of time here over the next few months. I can't wait to get tan!
But the real telling of summer, at least for me is the anticipation of my birthday. This year I have a feeling it is going to be really great. For starters, I share it with my mom, lucky her, and for the first time in a a few years, we get to spend it together again. Mom, you can pick the cake this year! Our house is also set to be completed by the beginning of July, empty of furniture, but still ready for us to move in. Having a house just seems almost too good to be true, and a room for my sewing stuff? I can hardly wait. In addition, four of our favorite NY families will be here around the same time. What a party!
I'm also feeling really greedy this birthday. I'm not expecting to get really anything I want, mainly because I can't narrow it down, and because it is all pretty expensive, but the list is adding up quickly. If you care to indulge in my wants, you can see them here, here, here, here, and here. I better start teaching...and soon.