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Glad to be in a new week

Last week was rough, really rough. And if I may put this out there again, why does it seem when things can't get worse, they do? That's me for you, and if you've known me long enough you can vouch for it.

But this week is much better. I have my first day off today in what feels like an eternity, and I'm finally spending time with this guy, boy I've missed him.


 We have big plans for the next couple of days: the park, a date at Chipotle, rides on our scooters, & Seven Peaks tomorrow. It seriously feels like forever since we've hung out.

Some other things are making me happy this week too. I'm starting a few new sewing projects, I just bought this new shirt at the GAP (with my discount, hooray!!), my brother is here for a visit, and I am on a hunt to find these stamps. At my first stop today, funny, the clerk told me the lady that orders the stamps said she wouldn't be ordering anymore because they were too ugly. I could only quickly turn to leave with a smile on my face and happy to visit another post office with more tact and taste.


I also can't seem to get enough of The Dark Knight. I'm going to see it again tomorrow night for the third time but this time in IMAX, is there anyone else out there that feels the same?

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    Good page, Carry on the excellent work. Thank you so much!

Reader Comments (15)

did you find the Eames stamps anywhere in town and would you mind sharing the location?

July 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commentertai

oh man those stamps are cool.

and rough week? i'm sorry to hear that.

July 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterpam

Love the stamps, love the movie. And seeing it in IMAX is totally worth it! AMAZING!!

July 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLindsey Z.

yea good to hear from you. cute shirt, cute luke!

My parents come into town today. yea me! have a good weekend.

July 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commentereddie

I can totally relate to your enthusiasm about Dark Night, it was a pretty hot movie. I loved every minute of it.

July 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa

Oh yeah, because "LOVE" with a rose on it is so beautiful.

If push comes to shove, you can always have an Eames set delivered to your house from usps.com.

Here's the URL (can't link since HTML in comments is off.)

July 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAzucar

its been forever! Glad you have some time off- those moments are so precious.
Give me a call when you work next (after Aug 6th) and we'll meet for lunch!
ps. As soon as I found out about those stamps from a guy at work I immediately thought of you guys!

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermere

Those stamps are awesome! If that's ugly than perhaps all those years growing up people just didn't realize that I was not their particular taste. Yes I did just compare myself to stamps but my point being they ain't ugly they are awesome and now maybe 'ugly' is, ah forget it.

Why is it when it rains on beans it not on pours it is like holy BATMAN get out the raincoats and the rubber boots cause we are in for a flood? Okay I am going a bit dramatic (but that is what I do), still it sucks that you guys always seem to have bad luck. I am so glad things are better this week and that you got to spend time with 'Duke Bean.' Whether or not you believe it he has missed his mommy.

Speaking of holy BATMAN, The Dark Knight is my favorite movie of the year (runner up goes to SATC). Seeing it last night IMAX style, even being sick was still absolutely a thrill. Our bro commented that I was the only one laughing (in the audience last night) sometimes at the Joker, but Heath Ledger is so good I just can't help but laugh at how evil he is. (The hype built around his performance was completely on the mark). But really there isn't anyone in the cast who falls short, which just makes it not only a good 'popcorn action flick' but an honest to goodness really great film (an accomplishment that is hard to do). And obviously we aren't the only ones to think this way as the movie is breaking records all over the place. It just may very well be the movie to push Titanic off the charts as the #1 grossing film of all time. "Why so serious?" I love love love love it. I just wanted to repeat myself in case all the above wasn't obvious enough.

And hip hip to the new sewing projects. (Okay now I'm done).

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered Commentertara

Alysha.. I'm sorry last week was so tough. But what does Two-Face say in Batman.. something about the night being darkest just before the dawn? I wouldn't know because when John and I went to see it Friday night the only seats left in the entire theater were the four in the front row, so we turned around and walked out.

I bought the Eames stamps last week.. I bought all the copies my local post office would give me. So I should be good for the next few weeks until they decide to raise the postal rate by a penny again.

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbrooke

Thanks so much for dinner! It was awesome...and that coconut pudding was something else! I ate half the pan by myself! I meant to return your pans yesterday...and of course I forgot. I will do asap! I am glad you get some time with that sweet Luke! Thanks for neing such a good friend!

August 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMarti Dumas

We need to get together on your next day off if you are not busy. If you need help with anything, please don't hesitate to ask. Sounds like you had some fun with cute Luke. Chloe has been asking for him!

August 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterStaci

I think my huge purchase of the stamps at the USPS website may have caused a nationwide shortage... I kind of have permanent proof that I might possibly be a bigger Eames fan than you! As for Batman, why am I the only person that just doesn't get it? Maybe I am too serious but I think that movie is seriously bad! (don't tell a certain someone I said that) Glad your week is looking up and get that thing out of Luke's mouth!

August 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNick

hey - it's been awhile! sounds like we're both VERY busy. the kitchen's almost done, but my whole fam is coming in for jack's baptism this week, i don't know if my summer will ever slow down. and now you're working too . . . we will have to get together soon, i just wanted you to know i didn't forget about you and i'd love to hang out soon. also - love the eames stamps, did you ever find any?

August 3, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterleigh

oh man. so sorry about the crazy rough week. i love you and i love that lukey!

August 4, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkatie

Darling boy and amazing talented Mom. Who would have ever thought you would be such a designing woman -- it is however in your blood.
Love this connection. Love you!! Hope things get better - they always do. Maybe Batman for the 3rd time will help.

August 5, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkim smith

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