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Wrap skirt #1

This might just be one of my favorite things I've ever made. I know I
say that every time, but I really really love how this one turned out.
So much in fact that I had a real internal debate about selling it, and
I'm am headed back to the fabric store today to a) buy more fabric to
make myself one and b) put another one in the shop.

The fabric is still very summery, hey we still have a month and a half
of it yet, and is a pin stripe sort of robin egg blue. Pair it with a
white tee and red shoes, and you have a perfect fourth of July outfit for next
year! I feel pretty confident high waisted stuff will still be
lingering for at least another year, so no worries there.

I also just ordered some solid blue chambray which should be here early
next week. My goal is to get another wrap skirt up by Wednesday, so
check back if you are interested.



Unrelated but very much on my mind this morning, did anyone see Andrew Bird play last night? He is seriously amazing, and to me very inspiring. How have I not known for the past couple of years that he was the one playing the violin? I can't as much talk and play the violin at the same time let alone sing. I want to be him when I grow up, really.

Reader Comments (14)

i have no idea who andrew bird is but i absolutely love your skirt and wish that if i bought one that it would look as good on me as it does on you. even if i weren't 7 months pregnant i wouldn't be that cute in it!

July 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterErin

Love the skirt, quickly running to take my measurements! I just spent way to much $$ in NY, but hey that skirt is a classic! I really admire your ability! Amazing!

July 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSara

I didn't see Andrew Bird. I am a party pooper, but I was very jealous 1- that Luke played with andy all night 2- that was haning out with you all and I wasn't.
it was my own choice however.

July 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commentereddie

what the heck!!!! no custom orders? how are you going to sell that very skirt? no one is as skinny as you. You should keep that one for your self and allow for custom orderes. SO THERE!

July 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commentereddie

cute skirt! good inspiration! oh, andrew bird... how i love that boy. for once i wished i was there instead of here. sigh.

July 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEllen

When you do become Andrew Bird I'll be your back up band.

July 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAndy Bean

I love that skirt it looks fabulous on you, I think you need one in every color.

July 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterStaci

Hi there, I found your blog from my sister-in-law Laura (novak) Suman. I just wanted to say that I LOVE your stuff. You are quite talented and skilled. I'm a sewer too and you creations have inspired me to work on some projects I've been putting off.
Have you heard of Wardrobe Refashion? I took the 2 month pledge and have been loving it:

I know I'm totally random here, but if you'd like to see my sewing blog you can find it here:

Thanks for making cool stuff and posting it for all to see!

July 21, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdana

Oh, how I love Andrew...

July 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlicia A.

love it, love it, love it!! the fabric is perfect.
and i too love andrew bird. we were trying to make it out the UT to go to the concert. i heard it was AMAZING!

July 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterheather

soooo cute!!!

July 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMarti Dumas

lysh, that fabric and skirt could not be any cuter. with the red tennys?! and i'm annoyed with how great you look. at me, not you.

July 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkatie

Katie, I'm annoyed too. But I'm not as nice as you, I'm annoyed at Alysha for looking so fab in her cute tennis shoes (really making me think I need a pair) and her skirt that is just perfect on her. As sisters it's totally justified to be annoyed when they other one always looks flawless and (has such annoyingly perfect tanned skinny legs) has this talent to make such cute clothes. I don't know where the rule book is that says it's fair to be & think this way, but I know that if I search hard enough, I am bound to find it. Alysha you look fantastic. And if I wore skirts, I would totally buy this, but then I'd always be like "but it's so much cuter on you" and well we can't have that kind of negative energy flowing between us, can we.

July 25, 2008 | Unregistered Commentertara

very nice...
you are a woman of many talents and many mutual friends.

July 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercassandra

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