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It's official


My second favorite show in TV history, next to of course Arrested Development, has indeed been cancelled. It really hit me yesterday as I was driving and heard the song "Had a bad day". Not because I was having a bad day, or because the song really makes me think, but because Veronica sings just a few lines from it in one of her brilliantly sarcastic banters with her dad. I teared up as I was listening and even a few times over the course of the next hour.  Even more sadly, they didn't even wrap it up. So many questions left unanswered. Does Veronica get back together with Logan? Does Keith become Sherriff? How will I ever know? They say, the good news is it might get picked up for a comic book. What? That is supposed to make me feel better?

Reader Comments (4)

Sigh. I'm new to your blog, but had to chime in on the most unfortunate news about Veronica. Yes, I'm 29 and although I'm sure the show is written for a younger audience, I love Veronica Mars.


June 15, 2007 | Unregistered Commentersusan

Jeremy said that maybe they'll be making a new show with some of the same characters?? I'll find out more and let you know.

June 18, 2007 | Unregistered Commentersarah

Alysha- I ran into sarah's spiel on Tangled and True, she then directed me to you! It looks like your still Loving New York, and we are content in Buffalo, New York would be better. If you are ever out this way you should stop by and say hi! Your little boy is so cute- what are you up to these days? Anyhow take care!

June 18, 2007 | Unregistered Commentermichelle

Not to be nitpicky but I actually think she sang those few bars to the guy who had hooked up the camera in Piz's room (in the last episode). Not that the moment was any less cool and perhaps she did in fact also sing it to her dad, and I have just forgotten but at least in that instance it was to the 'bad guy' and not good ole Keith Mars with whom I will miss almost as much as I miss Buster. *le sigh*

June 20, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTara

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