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What was lost is not forgotten

Img_4735I am still trying to figure out the size I want my photos, so try to excuse the inconsistency.

I have decided that instead of always complaining I don't have a trade like design or art, I will actually use what I do have, my music. I have really missed playing my violin. Since I have been in New York, it has slowly been shoved to the bottom of my priority list. In fact, sometimes I forget  I know how to play, that is until Christmas rolls around and I am asked to play a little something for church.

Some of my favorite memories have to do with this little piece of wood. Jam sessions, quartet practices, symphonies, almost all forgotten. Luckily the excuse of needing more money has forced me to pick it back up. So this summer, in the middle of June, I am off to Utah for Suzuki training. For those of you that don't know what Suzuki is, it is a method of learning music that trains the ear. I think it is the best method to learn with. I would not have been able to do so many different things with my violin if it wasn't for my ability to play by ear. So, I am going to teach. This fall, or sooner if possible.
This week I had to prepare an audition piece. Initially I chose the simple piece that only qualified me for the initial books, but after a few run throughs, I wanted something a bit more challenging. I ended up auditioning with the Bach Concerto in A Minor. Certainly nothing to hard, but it did force me to spend more hours practicing than I have done in years, maybe 8 in fact.
It felt great. The small red hicki like bruise re-appeared under my chin, my muscles began forming again in my forearms, and my eyes hurt from staring at the music for hours. I'm back!

Reader Comments (1)

Hip hip to Lysha and her violin. She got mad skills and I always love to hear her, or should I be saying 'you'?.... play.

April 13, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTara

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