Entries by alysha (211)


My favorite store


I would be re missed if I didn't give props to this amazing shop I was introduced to in Chicago, Penelope. First of all, I love the fact that it is within walking distance from Carrie's house. Jealous. It is also across the street from a delicious restaurant that serves amazing granola and yogurt. Yummy. Can you think of any way better to spend an afternoon with a friend? Well I can't.

I thought I would highlight the few things I purchased from there.  I wished I could have bought the entire store. I know some of you might think, why is she so impressed when she lives among some of the best shops in America? Well, I assure you this one surpasses them, at least for my taste. All of my favorite brands in one shop. To mention a few, Built By Wendy, A.P.C., Ella Moss, Collective Lifetime. Also, their fine selection of shoes, note the cute ones above, and they all are reasonably priced. My favorite little twist is all of their kitschy Chinese knick knacks.

Of course I had to make a couple stops their and when I met the owners I couldn't stop gushing about how  I wish I lived in Chicago so I could go there every day. Well if you are ever on Division Street I suggest you make a stop.


Back from Chicago

I must say we are lucky to have some of our closest friends in such a great city. It was Tom's first time to Chicago and my second. Needless to say, we had a great time. We left on Thursday morning after pulling an all nighter. Tom needed to finish some freelance and I had to make myself a new top and of course a matching outfit for Luke for our trip. Our plane was delayed about 3 hours which made traveling with Luke a bit harder than I hoped. He woke up just as the plane was ready to take off. But it wasn't too bad. I do recommend asking ahead of time if there might be an extra seat. We were able to bring the car seat on board which relieved us from holding a squirming baby for 3 + hours. Overall, it could have been worse. We got in around 3:30 and arrived at the Chilton's around 4:30. For those of you that don't know the Chilton's, Carrie and I went to Rick's college together, and then roomed together at BYU. She has been one of my closest friends since. Luckily she married a pretty rad dude named Todd, and he gets along with Tom quite nicely I would say. They also have an adorable daughter named Stella, who referred to  Luke as Coco the entire trip.
We took it easy that night, had some middle eastern yummy food and just relaxed. Tom and I were pretty waisted from the night before. The next day Carrie and I hung around their neighborhood while Tom and Todd visited the Chicago art show. I must say Chicago seems pretty charming. Low key, cute shops, nice restaurants, parking, trees, even the city is clean and not too big.  I quickly began to wonder why we chose New York over Chicago.
Saturday we headed to the heart of the city, visiting the MCA and a very tasty deep dish Chicago pizza restaurant. Unfortunately we didn't take many photos.


Our only group shot, minus Tom. This is in front of the MCA. Too bad I am the only one looking at the camera.

I really like this photo. For one we got in trouble just after we took
it, but I really love the orange and green contrast with the babies.Img_4860_3

Self explanatory cuteImg_4878_5


Sunday was probably my favorite day. We made breakfast and went to a bit of church. Always thrilling.

Carrie made a yummy dinner and dessert, was, well amazing. Croissant bread
pudding, anything with custard, is a hit with me. That night we had
Carrie and Todd's current friends and my college friends over for the
name game. Daniel and Michelle, Josh and Mo, Mary and Jason, Kim, all I
must say play a mean game. I think I almost peed my pants I laughed so
hard at some points. I wish sometimes I could have all of our friends
live within 2 blocks of us. Wouldn't that be ideal? I miss them all.
you Todd, Carrie, and Stella for having us. Oh how I  wish we could
hang out all the time. Sew, surf ebay, shop, talk ghetto talk, cook,
quote 80's sitcoms, the list goes on. Someday we might live by each
other, until then we have our trip to Chicago.


Falling behind

So, I must admit, I am not a true blogger. I know I should be updating this thing at least once every couple of days but for now, once a week will have to do, more if I can swing it.
It has been a packed week. My sis Tara came into town last Tuesday night and we have been going going going until tonight when she left. It has been an interesting week, including but not limited to shopping, sicknesses, hospitals, sewing, animals, crying, mice, and ok, some fun. I will note the MOST interesting events of the week.
When visitors come, shopping is usually on the list somewhere, for Tara it is number one. I of course don't mind except for I usually spend the same if not more than the visitor. This time I kept it within control, at least I think so. We enjoyed our time hitting 5th ave. Tara scored some cute stuff and well, I did too.
Saturday, we went to the zoo. It was a long train ride up to the Bronx. The ride seemed especially long with all of the crazies on the train. But we got there and had a great time.


The gorillas were especially cute. They put on quite a show, even Luke enjoyed them. We were     surprised how attentive Luke was to the animals. He did a great job pointing and babbling to them.Img_4784

And here is another picture, just because it is cute!

Another interesting event, that has been building up since January was the explosion of a cyst on one of my ovaries. Sounds dramatic and most likely too much information, sorry. I noticed it in January when I was running and had a sharp pain that didn't feel like a running cramp. It was so bad I had to stop. This pain kept coming around every few days and continued up until this weekend. I had several theories on what it could be, the most popular was a hernia. While at the zoo, the pain got so bad I had to sit down every 10 minutes because it was too painful to walk. That night after a girls night dinner and movie, I went to bed and woke up an hour later with the worst stomach pain I had ever felt. My stomach looked and felt like I was 6 months pregnant and all I wanted to do was curl up in a bawl. Eventually I threw up and things began to feel a little better. The next day I still had the pain but felt a little better. I was talked into checking into the emergency room by a good friend. Unfortunately by this time I was feeling remarkably better and had to ham up my performance so I could get a diagnosis. After being there all day, by myself, and waiting, waiting, and waiting, they concluded that it was over a few days prior and I should be just fine. Kinda wish I would have come up with that myself. The good news is, I am just fine. I feel so much better, I can walk, run, and see my toes.

My sister can't say the same however. She was plagued with a marathon migraine that lasted for 4 of the 7 days she was here. She did a good job powering through most of it. She did pass out a few times. Poor girl. Luckily Luke cuddled and gave her plenty of hugs and kisses to help her feel better.

To wrap up, I will note the craziest story of all. This morning I went to clean the fridge, one of my tasks I wanted to get done before we left for Chicago, opened it, saw something scurrying around, slammed it shut, and screamed. Yes, a mouse was inside our fridge. I can't possibly think of anything more disgusting than that. How did it get in there? I have no idea. Must have not shut it properly, or maybe even not at all. It doesn't help that we have an under the counter fridge, but apparently mice climb anything and everything, so I don't know if it would have made a difference. I called Tom and demanded he came home immediately. He didn't. So I kept it in the fridge. I did call an exterminator, and he couldn't even believe. In his 20 years of killing mice, he had never heard of one in the fridge. Luckily Tom was able to come home a bit later. He finally caught it as it scurried up our brick wall. Tara and I stayed clear of the situation. I spent the rest of the afternoon throwing away food, and disinfecting all of the bottles. I did end up cleaning the fridge, just a bit deeper than I planned.
To end on a positive note, I am throwing in a couple of cute pictures of Luke.

Ready for church in his Mr. Rogers sweater!

His new push toy, ironically he prefers sitting in it but hates his stroller. Kids.


Surfing for inspiration

Since I don't have money to actually buy nice new clothes, as I mentioned before I use ebay, and I make my own. I have grown used to the fact that now when I browse through magazines, or through websites, I am looking for mainly tops and dresses that I can copy, or get close to. My favorites browsing sites are shopbop, barneys co-op, intermix, a.p.c., and built by wendy. I have found a few to get me started. Here are some of them below. When I get around to making them, I will do a side by side comparison, well, on second thought no promises.




My Love for Ebay


This is a gigantic representation of my new obsession, but I guess it is fitting. Oh, Ebay, how I waste several hours browsing your fine selection of vintage dressess, vintage fabrics, vintage patterns, denim,Ferragamo shoes, handbags,embroidered tops, and anything and everything I think I need or want.

In some ways Ebay has saved me a few bucks. I found several things that I would have paid at least double for. For example, a denim pencil skirt, which only took me 2 weeks to find. Browsing night and day. I actually haven't received it yet, so I am hoping it is everything I am hoping it to be. I also am currently bidding on a pair of J Brand grey jeans that retail way over $100. Do I need grey jeans? Yes. Especially since I was debating on getting some from H&M for pretty much the same price. But a pair of designer jeans? Absolutely.

In other ways.....it has been somewhat detrimental to my discover card. You see, I don't really have the money to spend, but things seem so within my reach, for a poor person. What is $15 or $20 here or there. Well I will tell you. A pair of leather gladiator sandals, embroidered mexican dress and top, new to me vintage dress, vintage lace for oh so many of my sewing projects, the cutest plaid fabric ever (if you knew how hard cute plaid fabric is to find you would understand), a john deere shirt for Luke (impulse buy), more patterns, more fabric, it goes on, and unfortunately on.

I keep telling myself, I only need a couple more things to complete my spring and summer needs. But then I see a link, and then another link, and pretty soon, I have found the must have staples of my wardrobe for next winter. HELP!!!