
Day 4

Even with our own and others skepticism, we braved the crowds this year and went to see the windows at Macy's and Saks Fifth Avenue. Tom has never actually seen the windows, and there is something very magical, if you can ignore the people, about being in and around the biggest department stores in New York.

We decided to head to Macy's first. After much deliberation, we drove in. Sometimes I just don't feel up for the subway. We pulled into a parking garage and quickly decided that $33 was just too much to pay, so we found an even better spot right behind Macy's. In the city, almost all meters have been turned into Muni Meters. The idea of these seems so much easier, you swipe your card, tell it how long you will be there, it prints out a ticket, and done, you put it in your window and take off. This is only a great idea though if the machine can read your card. Unfortunately all 3 machines on the block couldn't, or wouldn't. We were in luck though, a nice man yelled out to Tom from across the street and said we only needed to pay Mon-Friday, and since it was Saturday, FREE! We were in luck. So glad we didn't pay that $33.

The Macy's windows were great. Luke loved them, and we were impressed too. I was really happy we decided to do it.




After Macy's we jumped on the Subway and headed uptown to Rockefeller Center and Saks. We wouldn't have been able to see the tree if we didn't take the concourse under the center and a side door that led us right in front of the tree (they were only letting people in the center from fifth avenue, which was impossible). The tree was big and pretty and the line to ice skate, which we debated on doing, wrapped around the rink and down half the block. Even though the crowd was insane, the energy was great.



We attempted to cross the street to see the windows. I was holding Luke and Tom had the stroller, as we approached the corner I suddenly was sandwiched in a giant crowd. Tom was no where in sight so I backed out of the crowd and just waited, waited to find him. After 10 minutes I assumed he made it to the other side so I worked the crowd and made it over there. He wasn't anywhere to be seen so I put Luke on my shoulders and just waited for him. 45 minutes later I assumed he must have been waiting for me. At that point people weren't allowed to cross the street so I explained my situation to the officer and was escorted across, back to Rockefeller. The situation would have been easily solved if both of us had our cell phones and we had a family emergency plan of action but we didn't have either. Tom finally called me on a pay phone and ironically we were standing only 10 feet away from each other but with the crowds we didn't see each other until he was right in front of me.

At that point, we were done. No more windows. We went into Dean and Deluca to recoup and eat some soup. It felt so nice to be together again. Hearing Luke call out "Daddy" over and over was heartbreaking.

We took the train back to Macy's to drive home, and wouldn't you know it, our car was gone. Our car was stolen a year ago so with our luck we were sure it was stolen, with some of Luke's Christmas presents inside. Best case scenario it was towed and we would have to pay a small fortune to get it out. We called the tow company, and they had no record of the car. She suggested we call back in a couple of hours so we sadly took the train home to wait. We found an old traffic ticket with our license plate number so we called again and they still didn't have any record of our car. Merry Christmas. I luckily found something else with a different license plate number on it so I called and they did have our car. So Tom went back into the city at 11pm to get our car. If we had only payed the $33 for the garage. Nothing is ever easy here.

Ending on a positive note, although Tom didn't see the Saks windows, he caught these lights on the building from across the street.


Day 3

This one was just for us. Something that rarely if ever happens. Katie was kind enough to watch Luke for the entire day so we could go to hear the New York Philharmonic play the Messiah and go to dinner.

For starters, it was so fun to dress up for something besides church. Although I did wear the same dress I wore  last Sunday, but it felt different, more exciting. Lincoln Center as always was beautiful. I feel ashamed in admitting this, but it was my first concert. I couldn't help but feel giddy with excitement as I passed the beautiful lit tree and imagined how beautiful the symphony would sound.



It was beautiful. The Messiah holds such a special place in my heart and
memory. As I listened, my mind wandered through all of my
memories of playing it at Ricks College. I wanted so badly to be up
there playing and accompanying my favorites, "Comfort Ye" and "He was
despised". They sounded amazing.  But nothing compared to the spirit that was
felt when the congregation stood for the "Hallelujiah Chorus". My emotions took over, as they do every time I hear and sing it.

I wish I could say the same things for Tom's experience. For the first half, he slept. And for the second, he plugged his nose. When you choose to attend the matinee performance, with it usually comes an audience of senior citizens and an overwhelming smell of bengay. I was able to get used to it, Tom couldn't.

After the concert we treated ourselves to Gramercy Tavern. Tom has had this restaurant on the top of his must eats list while we are in New York but we have never been able to justify spending the money. Not that we really could last night, but we just couldn't not do it. The portions were small, the taste was perfect, and the service was impeccable. I even got to wear a complimentary shawl when I mentioned I was chilly.

I had to take pictures of the food, just to help remind me the entire experience.



And this is Tom yelling at me to stop taking the pictures. We really need to get out more often.



Day 2

Ok, ok. I coped out again. I had plans to take Luke to see Santa at Bergdorf, and then cruise around 5th avenue, maybe stop into FAO Schwartz, but Tom had a Christmas party, and I just didn't feel like dragging Luke around by myself. One of the small problems of living in a great place, you don't always have the energy to enjoy it.

So instead, I finished up my holiday decorations, ordered in, and drank lots of hot chocolate.

I also had to put on a festive DVD to keep me company. We have owned this our entire marriage but I have never watched it. It was fun. Although I am not sure which holiday it is more appropriate for.


Holiday soft trees. So easy and simple.  You can find the pattern here.
I love holly berry. I finally picked some up yesterday. They just add the perfect holiday touch.


I made these paper balls after I saw Sally's at  Shim and Sons.  Tom, my amazing husband, did all of the illustrations for the strips and cut them out. He must have spent a few hours on it all. Thanks again Tom!
And how could I resist a bowl of mint M&M's. Something tells me though they won't last through the weekend.


And I needed to finish up a few gift tags for presents this year. This has been my first experience with stamping, and  I must say, with the right stamps, you can make some really great stuff. 


It's really starting to feel like Christmas around here. I love it.



Day 1

This year I vowed to take advantage of our last Christmas in New York. My plan was to do a 12 days of Christmas extravaganza, each day doing a fun activity, but unfortunately due to a late start, they will extend past Christmas. I think it will actually work out better this way, Tom has all of next week off, and family outings are always more fun when they include all of us.

So last night we began celebrating Christmas. Because I really do have a limited budget we had to include all things Christmas so day number 1 begins with our night of tree trimming. I did have plans to go to a farm to cut down our tree, and I would really have liked to do it, but that would have meant us getting a tree on Saturday, and that just wasn't long enough to enjoy it. So we drove down the street to the local tree lot. It was still fun, and we still got to tie it onto our car, but my dreams of cutting it down myself will have to wait until next year.


After getting it home, we realized we really had opted for one of the smallest trees in the lot. Better suited for our small apartment I guess.

And then the decorating. Except we only have one ornament, in keeping with our sometimes overly minimal aesthetic taste, so we spent an hour hanging and re-hanging the lights. It's not that we don't want more ornaments, we tend to be kind of picky, but I do feel bad for our Sanrio reindeer, he really needs some company.


And dessert, a Smith family favorite, Mint M & M's. Christmas just doesn't come around often enough.


I now don't hate that night time comes so early. At the first signs of dusk I plug in my lights, turn on my favorite Christmas songs, and enjoy the peace, love, and spirit I feel in my home. This is going to be a great season. (Even though we are starting late).


When did it happen?

My baby grew into a little boy.


This is his friend Tenney's scooter. Luke would ride this all day if he could. One of the reasons he is getting it for Christmas. But really, he rides this thing better than I do.


Luke went sledding for the first time while he was in Utah. For the first few runs he rode tandem, but after convincing everyone he could do it himself, they let him go.


This is Luke sick. Curled up on the couch with a blanket. I feel so bad for him, but at the same time, he is just so cute.