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No I'm not a 12 year old boy


I have a wide variety of taste's and interests. One of them is Star Wars. I am a borderline nerd, but still tend to consider myself borderline cool.  Basically I'm in denial that a 31 year old girl really shouldn't get obsessive about buying happy meals every day just to not miss one of the 18 Star Wars toys available. For the record, I got all of them, even two of some, except for Princess Leia (I'm currently looking on ebay for her).  A good friend also recently fueled my passion for useless Star Wars Information by giving me the Star Wars Classic Edition Trivial Pursuit. A gift I will treasure and use often, even if just  to quiz myself when I can't get anyone else to play with me. 

I like other things too. Clothes, music, movies to name a few, nothing no one else doesn't like. But recently a friend of mine showed me the blog Stuff White People Like. I have read almost every post, at least the ones that seem more applicable to me. I don't agree with all ,but I did find myself shameless relating to quite a few of them. These don't encompass by any means  who I am, but they are fun, and those of you that are just reading my blog for some of the first time might understand how ridiculous I can be sometimes. 

In no order of importance to me

 Girls with Bangs

Appearing to Enjoy Classical Music- This one doesn't really apply, I play the violin.


Scarves- yes I wore these all summer

Dinner Parties

Modern Furniture- you will see this firsthand when I show you pictures of my house. 

Oscar Parties- I have one of these every year. 

Michel Gondry and Wes Anderson 

Arrested Development

Not having a TV- funny how a lot of us don't but still find a way to watch 

Indie Music and NPR 

Apple Products- In my defense, I did grow up with Apple, I used my first PC in college. 

New York- this one goes without saying

Obama- vote for change!

There are many more, very funny and somewhat accurate. I am waiting for Star Wars to be added to the list for it to be complete. At least I don't dress up and name my children after  the characters, oh wait I did that already. 

In an effort to get to know you, what are your favorite posts? 

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Reader Comments (5)

ha! bryan likes the star wars legos - old ones not new ones.

and yes, it's sad how much we all end up being alike i guess.

September 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPam

i too was trolling for these figures all over colorado. it got so bad that i had a stash of ones we had duplicates of in my diaper bag, and everytime we saw a "new" mcdonalds that we hadn't been to, i'd pull over and run in to see if i could trade them for ones we wanted.

i have this fantasy that i'm going to make a mobile for calder's new room with them. it might be crazy... too heavy? at any rate, they will be on display.

and by the way, we DID get a princess leia, which is not one that my kids are dying to have. perhaps we could arrange a trade for one you have 2 of that we don't have? let's talk.

September 21, 2008 | Unregistered Commentersara

Dinner Parties


Bumper Stickers

Bumper Stickers is the best writing of all of his posts I think. And, it happens to focus on my neck of the woods (which makes it funnier and allows me to say that it's dead accurate).

Reading that blog was really eye opening for me actually. I'm so un-unique. Such a product of my surroundings and culture. It's a little bit pathetic really. Like, how different would my opinions and taste be if I had just grown up in a different town?

September 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJeremy

Alysha, I discovered Stuff White People Like on designyourlife.com but had forgotten about it until reading your post. Thanks!

My favorites are:

#78 Multilingual Children
#75 Threatening to Move to Canada
#9 Making you feel bad about not going outside
#102 Children’s Games as Adults

September 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHeather

i've read stuff white people like, and i don't get it as well as stuff asian people like. makes sense, i guess.

i had no idea how big of a star wars fan you were. so do you have a large collection of star wars paraphernalia besides the mickey d's bobbleheads?

September 25, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteramanda

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