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Food I miss

I'm still in denial. Denial that my vacation is over, denial that I don't live in New York anymore, and denial that I won't be able to eat my favorite foods whenever I feel like.  I've been back for almost three days, and my mouth is still watering, and probably will be until my next vacation.

Spicy broad noodles and pad thai from Song.

Custard and banana chocolate cake from Tea & Symphony.

Best hot dogs ever from Grays Papaya. Grab a coconut juice there too and you're set.

Fried Mars bar from Salt and Battery.

Pizza from Grimaldi's.

Jacques Torres chocolates. And the spicy hot chocolate, perfect for a fall afternoon.

And New York's cookie, the black and white.

You may ask yourself, is it possible she ate all of this food and didn't gain any weight? And the answer is no, I gained 5 pounds.

Reader Comments (5)

I have been wondering when you were coming back from NYC and how your getaway was. Sounds like you had a good time. Sometimes vacations are all about the food. I use it as an excuse to eat whatever I want. We need to get together, I miss seeing you!

October 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterStaci

ohhh I like the new banner. ur boy missed you, he kept telling me "mommy on the airplane." and on sunday he was using an m&m calculator as a phone to call you, then since Tom was in the priesthood session he started using it to call "mommydaddy." He had us all talk on the "phone" to you guys.

October 8, 2008 | Unregistered Commentereddiethegirl

i probably miss the spicy noodle the MOST!!! there is nothing like it. when people ask what i miss most about nyc the first thing i say is the........... FOOD!!!

October 8, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterheather

Oh, I'm so jealous... NYC is so lovely this time of year. I wish I could have been there with you! (Lovely new banner, by the way)

October 8, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbrooke

Ha. I love you. I love that you missed food. I mean I'm not trying to imply it is not a legitimate thing to miss, I just love that you took such great photos of it, because it is so very you. While you were gone, eating the food you missed, you missed out on mom's famous meat loaf. No, you didn't, I just wanted to pretend that you did and make you all jealous. But why I picked meat loaf? Because at the time, 5 seconds ago, I thought 'ha meat loaf is funny, nobody likes meatloaf,' and then now, 10 seconds later I realize, people may actually like meat loaf so the joke doesn't really resonate when people like it. I should've gone with liver. "Mom's famous liver.' Because who likes liver? What is liver? Who goes to a restaurant and says, 'mmm lets see what looks good.... ahh yes liver, yes that sounds like the thing to hit just the spot.' What spot? What spot does liver hit? The liver? I am way off track here, I know, but I'm always off track, so it shouldn't come as a surprise (in fact if I were to not go off track, that would be surprising).

Pass on the hot dog, but a New York black and white looks nummy. (doesn't it sound cuter when I use an 'n'? I realize as adult I should speak like one, but I'm trying to de-age myself). And any weight you gain on a trip doesn't count. It's in the rules. So while I did think, 'how did she eat all this food and not gain any weight?' I also remembered, well it is because she was on vacation and thus any food consumed under those conditions are null and void. That's why God gave us vacations. Well I'm not sure if that's the entire reason, but I'm pretty sure it's like 5/8ths of it.

October 10, 2008 | Unregistered Commentertara

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