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A weekend recap in pictures, YES!

4th of July

balloon launch, family, parade, seven peaks, friends, bbq, and a sparkler or two.









a happy reunion among friends!







And the crowning jewel of the weekend

(we all made it out safely)



Reader Comments (13)

1. your camera is awesome.
2. I made your web site! how specail I am!!!
3. happy birthday yesterday (we would have come up to SLC, but we had a church committment)
4. did you and all of your GF's paln to waer white shirts?

July 8, 2008 | Unregistered Commentereddiethegirl

Great pics? I hope you got your new camera, it's looking like it. How fun to spend time with all your NYC friends. Wish I could have been at your party. Looking forward to lunch tomorrow with no kids!

July 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterStaci

looks like a great weekend! except for the car? what happened?

July 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterErin

whoa! were you mudding (that's what we call off-roading in georgia)?

luke looks so serious in his picture. he looks like he is doing his best impersonation of a baby model. so mysterious. so suave.

July 9, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteramanda

What a perfect weekend! Wow, all of you together - how awesome. I miss you guys. Wish we could have crashed your Utah party :)

July 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSaraC

i miss the Provo festivities every year I am not there. Looks fun. Please explain your car situation!

July 10, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkathkarol

love your site. I think I found it through my happy little life. I have got to know what the ingredients are in that layered salad. Any chance you'll post the recipe. I am drooling to know. Ps I hope that truck and all its occupants are okay

July 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTam

Wow you have taken off-roading to a whole new level! Love those 4th pictures, it makes me nostalgic for Utah. Seven Peaks was my entire childhood. Oh and happy birthday too. :) Looks like summer is treating you well.

July 11, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterleslie barlow

what a fun weekend!! the pics of all those kids together are priceless. i miss new york! hope you had a fabulous b-day!

July 12, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterheather

Alysha, what happened to the car, you didn't mention anything when I called you. I love the pictures of Luke, so cute.

July 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

layered salad:
mangos, lettuce, beans, tomatoes, and chicken.
yummy, I think you could do any dressing really with it.

July 14, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteralysha

Aw that pictures of you and your girl friends is so, well it's so pretty. You ALL look beautiful. And heck, it makes me a little misty because while they aren't my friends, I know how much they mean to you and I know that that time was as someone above said "priceless." And seeing all the kids together, again, misty. Everyone looks like they are having so much fun.

And thank goodness you guys are okay from the car sliding down the rocks. Scary.

And camera? Awesome pictures.

July 17, 2008 | Unregistered Commentertara

it really was a happy reunion. will it be that fun when we all get together in 10 years? i'm pretty sure it will. although our kids might feel a little more awkward around each other. and that will be funny. . .

all the picutures are glorious, are you in love with it?

July 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkatie

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